you are cheating.

that is the /only/ way to put it. [catching his breath, he is propping himself on his elbows to look up at her— untouched, glorious, powerful. lethal as much as he was, if not more, but perhaps that was exactly why he was so easily drawn to her. it didn’t matter if he was bound to bow down to her, to be defeated; he liked a challenge. he gets back to his feet, grip on the beskar handle tightening as he lifted the darksaber once more] on guard, /cyare/.

@mandoacreed that's one way to put it. [ her saber settles behind her effortlessly, blazing yellow lengthening from both edges as it shadows her like a phoenix. she moved like water— lethal, most especially when turbulent. difficult to keep up with, but unlike the others, din djarin was never one to declined the opportunity a dance with her. even if he lose. she smiled toward him, like it was oil worsening the fire that was he. after all, sar had always enjoyed witnessing his misery, even more than she enjoyed winning against him ] keep up, /cyarika/. we're just getting started.

/ cb ig

you grew up here?

maybe. [a beat, before a chuckle breaks through the modulator] a consort in court? you flatter me. and no, i know— but she was a honorable woman. i would have still liked to meet her, even if our.. perspectives aren’t the same.

@mandoacreed [ she grabs onto his hand as they made their way up the hill ] really? with the pretty gowns and … /things/ on my hair? you really see me in that? interesting. i mean, i can see you as my consort in court. [ sar scrunches her nose, a grin tracing her lips. ] then again, judging from what i hear about what my mother was like, i don’t think she’ll like you, so i don’t think it would have mattered.

i still believe /some/ of the things she says. [ holding an arm out for her, he keeps climbing up the landslide ] i don’t know. possibly .. i mean, by blood, you’re more royal than i’ll ever be.

i wouldn’t do that.

you're very soft for a fearless warrior.

i’ll keep watch. just .. stay close to the ship.

[ gloves now slightly tainted in crimson, din’s gaze remains fixed on her wound, pulse steady despite her iron grasp on his forearm as he attempts to be careful as he pierces her skin with the needle ] haalur. [ he reminds her once again— breathe. lips purse & he sews the blaster wound shut, reaching for the bacta spray ] you did. and he got you good still. [ unrolling her shirt, he pulls it back down, the back of his hand pressing against her forehead as he stood back up ] i’m sorry. rest, cyare.

@mandoacreed [ she obeyed, taking in a sharp inhale as she gripped the cushion of her seat as tight as her palm could close. the contact of the needle made her flinch and wince, squeezing her eyes shut to help limit the pain but she barely managed. stitches make her vulnerable, and it was exactly what she didn’t need. ] you are making me want to /die/, cyar’ika… [ sar gritted her teeth, directing a death stare to him as she continued to wince. her free hand subconsciously holding his forearm, unsure whether the instict was to make him stop or assure he wouldn’t. ] i told you i /had/ him.

do /me/ a favor and stop moving. [ he resumes his meticulous movements after setting his gloves aside, needle in one hand as the other held her shirt up to keep her side exposed ] breathe in for me.

the marshal don't take kindly t' strangers! whaddya want with freetown?

"passin' through?" the only thing out that way is the dune sea. where're you tryin' to go, stranger?

@deputied [ a forced smile, molded well on her features. deceitful almost, if she had actually planned something. sar raised a hand i defense ] i’m just passing through, i promise.

don't touch my sabers.

don't be so nervous. calla doesn't bite.

@mandaIors [ a slight groan as the child’s weight was passed to her, letting calla rest on her hips ] oh, i wish. but i’m not surprised either considering the way i turned out. [ she laughed, turning to calla who cheered with her .. ] how bad are we talking? was it a ‘running-off-the-planet’ bad? how did buir even manage with me? better yet, how did /you/?

mm? [ calla was passed gently between hands, from fallon to sar. fallon then turned, reaching to adjust her saber from where it was attached to her hip, ] you were one of those children once. do you remember?

@mandaIors [ sar grinned, standing back up ] oh, i don’t mind. i’ve dealt with children who are worse.