random story time but i just want to know how i should react
my friend pierced my nose today (to be specific, i was getting a septum piercing bc i’ve been wanting one for a while and decided to yolo it) and i was trying to hide it from my mom and then surprise her with the piercing later on (just to avoid getting in trouble in front of my friend), so my friend flipped the ring for me after screwing the balls, right?
a few hours after, i wanted to flip it upside down again so the balls would be showing but when we did, we realized that one of the balls went missing. now, i’m not sure if i swallowed the small ball without realizing, or if it fell somewhere around my home.
i got scared because i felt something go down my throat and thought it was a popcorn kernel, but it didn’t feel like one?
the point is, how should i react to this? is it bad if i swallowed it? i don’t know if i did bc i can’t find it around my house