
Hey guys hope your all good, everybody’s books are coming  along very good. I’ve updated my chapters so give them a go. I know there not as good as I want them to be but I know I’ve put my heart and soul in to it. So if you’ve got a spare 5 mins crack zodiacs open and let me know what u think. Your opinions matter a lot to me!!!!


Hey guys hope your all good, everybody’s books are coming  along very good. I’ve updated my chapters so give them a go. I know there not as good as I want them to be but I know I’ve put my heart and soul in to it. So if you’ve got a spare 5 mins crack zodiacs open and let me know what u think. Your opinions matter a lot to me!!!!


Thanks for the follow. 


@nosh1989 Of course. I hope it will too. 


 No problem, wanted to join your competition. Hopefully it will push my book out a bit more and I get more reads aswell.


Hi everyone who reads my book hope your enjoying it so far. I hope it is as good as I think it is. 
          I have nearly introduced all my characters so I wanted to ask what zodiac are you lot and what powers you have according to my book. 
          Are the powers I chose good enough if not what power would you have liked?
          My zodiac is Virgo and my power is the four elements like my main character. No surprise there hey.!!
          Comment and let me know.....