
I'm so bad guys. I'm sorry! I promised a chapter of DD and I haven't. I have been working on it... the chapter is just being finished right now and I've started somewhat editing it. I'm trying to keep up for you guys, sometimes I just can't catch some time. Christmas Break is coming up, so I will write extra chapters as my gift to you! You guys are so awesome!


I'm so bad guys. I'm sorry! I promised a chapter of DD and I haven't. I have been working on it... the chapter is just being finished right now and I've started somewhat editing it. I'm trying to keep up for you guys, sometimes I just can't catch some time. Christmas Break is coming up, so I will write extra chapters as my gift to you! You guys are so awesome!


Hey everyone! Sorry I've been a ghost lately. School has just been hectic and I've had different performing stuff going on. Thanks for sticking with me! I will be publishing a chapter of DD this week, I promise! Also, I am going to write Tell Me and Bad Boy's Ballerina. Tell Me has been started but I'm going to try not to publish anything until it is mostly done. Bad Boy's Ballerina will hopefully be starting in about a year. That seems like a long time, but I'm really hoping that's enough time to finish my other projects. Thanks guys! Love ya!


Hey guys! How's your summer? Mine has been a bit obnoxiously insane, but I'm going to try and power through to get you guys updates. The Devined is on hold, and will be for a while. I'm not really feeling it right now, but I promise I'm not abandoning ship. Next, Insanity is finished, but if you guys could spread the word, it would be awesome! I'm entering it into the Wattys! With Defeating Darkness, updates will be slow but they are coming. I am in the middle of working with DD and another book that I got the idea and just had to start. (Please bare with me! *pouty face*) I love you guys and how supportive you are! Thanks for reading!


Want some advice for your writing skills to improve? Now, I'm not saying a writing prodigy, because I am FAR from it. This is just a piece of advice that helps me a lot. When you are feeling like you are have major Writer's Block, start blasting your favorite playlist, or a lot of upbeat songs. If you let yourself have some fun, you can get some ideas flowing! I listen to music whenever I'm writing to help me not get stuck in the process. Enjoy your writing, so you don't hate your book. Happy writing, my friends!


Hey! I'm asking for your input! I'm thinking of creating two more story. One is a werewolf and werecat story called Tell Me. The other is teen fiction called Bad Boy's Ballerina about a ballerina and the "bad boy" meeting and falling in love. What do you guys think? I wont work on it until I'm pretty much done with my other stories.  Also Should I delete  The Devined or keep it?


I'll read whatever you or lulubughancock write!! <3 love your works. 