
this message may be offensive
Honestly people on this app are about to push me over the edge. HOW HARD IS IT TO CLARIFY BEFORE JUMPING ON CONCLUSIONS. i am so SICK of having to defend myself or EXPLAIN myself. Not just on here EVERYWHERE it’s ridiculous! Why the fuck do i heaven to filter myself or change the way that i talk simply because people can’t use the brain in their head before starting unnecessary problems. NEWS FLASH: IF I DONT KNOW YOU AND IM COMMENTING ON A POST, OR STORY,  OR PICTURE AND WE DONT KNOW EACH OTHER! OR YOURE NOT THE AUTHOR, OR THE PERSON WHO POSTED SAID IMAGE OR POST PROCEED WITH FUCKING CAUTION! how dare you have the audacity to get mad at me for such stupid bullshit. it honestly baffles me. and with that being said i strongly urge you all to please think before you speak, reply, or comment. and i REALLY hope none of you have to deal with the bullshit that i have. 


this message may be offensive
Honestly people on this app are about to push me over the edge. HOW HARD IS IT TO CLARIFY BEFORE JUMPING ON CONCLUSIONS. i am so SICK of having to defend myself or EXPLAIN myself. Not just on here EVERYWHERE it’s ridiculous! Why the fuck do i heaven to filter myself or change the way that i talk simply because people can’t use the brain in their head before starting unnecessary problems. NEWS FLASH: IF I DONT KNOW YOU AND IM COMMENTING ON A POST, OR STORY,  OR PICTURE AND WE DONT KNOW EACH OTHER! OR YOURE NOT THE AUTHOR, OR THE PERSON WHO POSTED SAID IMAGE OR POST PROCEED WITH FUCKING CAUTION! how dare you have the audacity to get mad at me for such stupid bullshit. it honestly baffles me. and with that being said i strongly urge you all to please think before you speak, reply, or comment. and i REALLY hope none of you have to deal with the bullshit that i have. 


this message may be offensive
WHY ARE PEOPLE ON THIS APP SO SENSITIVE. LITERALLY. every little fucking thing you do or say warrants an unnecessary response and it’s so aggravating! why do people choose to get mad over DUMB POINTLESS SHIT that very clearly wasn’t meant to hurt their feelings or be rude in anyway at ALL i am so fucking sick of this bullshit like honest to god i’m about to snap and let every last one of the people have it.