

          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does freedom mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. I'm actually publishing the last chapters .It explores the topic of true love and freedom. It also dives into what the exodus may mean for us today!
          I hope you join me for the journey as we figure out the answer together 
          Have a lovely day ✨❤️☄️


Okay guys...
          So here's an update!
          My editor is almost done with editing Hosh (well the previous chapters that have been posted already and is currently working on editing chapters 10,11&12) and when his done with chapters 10,11&12 I will be posting 10 (hopefully by Monday)
          I would actually like to apologize for not posting in forever but we BOTH have been really busy for the past few months
          Fingers crossed that I be posting SOON 


Good morning, good afternoon or good evening ladies and gentlemen
          I would first like to apologize for not posting like I said I would but like said in the 'authors note' the book "HOSH (fire in the ghetto)" is going through a deep editing and because of school and personal matters that keep popping up I can't post any other chapters until the first eight have been edited and the rest have been edited
          N.B: chapter's 1~4 have been edited and I have added necessary information and characters in the chapters for it to correspond with what will happen in the up coming chapters.
          You don't have to go back and read what happened because you will still understand what's going on most specially since I've only it's only been 8 chapters posted.
          Thank you for your understanding and Please enjoy your time  love ya'll lots❤️