
Hola! I wanted to thank all of you guys for supporting me and my fanfiction as all of you can tell Summer and Fallen to far are long gone I don’t know where they went. I don’t remember deleting them, but it’s OK because all my motivation to write them was gone and I apologize if any of you were waiting for more chapters i’ve got motivation to write different stories as you guys can tell. Hopefully, I don’t lose my motivation on this one and there’s no need for all of you to keep following me. Just wanted to thank you for all views, votes and comments. 
          	Love A


Hola! I wanted to thank all of you guys for supporting me and my fanfiction as all of you can tell Summer and Fallen to far are long gone I don’t know where they went. I don’t remember deleting them, but it’s OK because all my motivation to write them was gone and I apologize if any of you were waiting for more chapters i’ve got motivation to write different stories as you guys can tell. Hopefully, I don’t lose my motivation on this one and there’s no need for all of you to keep following me. Just wanted to thank you for all views, votes and comments. 
          Love A