
Oh my god, so sorry! That was an accident! I did not mean to publish that chapter! Please ignore my clumsy self!!!!!


hi!! i came across your profile by chance, and i wanted to say that you radiate absolute positivity and i unconsciously smiled reading your bio, you're an amazing person!! you seem like an absolute sweetheart lol, i hope your days go well and pleasantly ^^


@INTERGALACTICS- Awww, that is seriously so sweet! Thank you so much for your words and wishes! I'm so happy that you like my bio and again, thank you for the follow! You seem like a very sweet and nice person! (灬°ω°灬)


Okay, hopefully, this was successful! Please comment..oh and vote as well! I finally got this story to update! Yayyyyy! Oh and there should be a surprise with this new update! Enjoy!!!
          I just published "Chapter 7 [The Realm of Eophisia]" of my story "  :   ".


Okay, hello...yeah, I am still alive. Damn, 2024, and it has been so hectic. Hopefully, I will have time to update my stories...right now I have an idea of how I want to go with Reincarnation Gone Wrong but having writer's block on how to get there, you know? But dang I'm so happy to see people are still reading that crazy mess. Thank you...
          And you guys may hate me but I have a better flow writing Isekai Gone Wrong so...please go check that out. I personally feel my writing is better there so please show that story some love toooo~


Okay, is anyone having the same problem as me? I cannot directly comment on any story. I have to write it somewhere else and copy and paste it here...bruh please tell me this is just a temporary glitch...huhu....


@darkcrystal08 yeah but it's still annoying cause I like using Grammarly huhu. Maybe it will be fix later


╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ Glad you solved the problem 


@darkcrystal08 okay, apparently it was due to my Grammarly keyboard. I can't comment if I use that keyboard


Hola~ I am suffering from some writer's block with my Reincarnation Gone Wrong story and I hope this update will appease you, readers. (≧∇≦)/ Please do go spread your love to this story too! Go comment and vote on them, please~ (>y<)
          I just published "Chapter 6 [What A Fool I Was...]" of my story "  :   ".


Xd,I wish you good luck,My habit of writing the story and barely editing kind of got to me,so I'm trying to learn to edit.


@Freesky45 you're welcome! And good luck! At least update....these days, I could barely update once a month lol


But,I'm trying to fill in until my Mc can get out of the enemy city. This was helpful,my followers are going to kill me because it been ten days since I last posted,xd


Woah, what's that? Did I finally freaking update? Dang, it has been so long and I'm so sorry! Please do enjoy this new chapter! Comment and vote!
          I just published "Chapter 48 {Why Is It So Difficult?!}" of my story "  :  ".