
Chapter 19 (book: all of us) is in the progress of being written rn 


Happy new year to everyone (4 days late but oh well) I just wanted to also say a big thank you to anyone who has shown support to my work, even the silent readers, I appreciate you all. I hope to get inspire and time soon but I don't know when that'll be but I'll try this week to sit infront of my laptop and write something out for all of us and Hell's Doings. I hope 2024 will be good to you all! 
          - with so much love N


I've seen a few ppl put All of Us into a reading list named mafia and i just want to say that it is NOT a mafia book lmao


@brbabe its so confusing like there's a reason for the tags, im thankful that people read it but i dont want someone having an expectation of the book like that 


@nxstories  people do this to blood bonds..... It's a vampire's book.