
Dear ALL fans/followers, 
          	Thank y'all SO much for your (little) support, but I might be making a new account. I just want to start fresh, so I will be 1) deleting a lot of stuff (like SOME of my works) from this Wattpad account OR 2) just make a new account. 
          	I want to be successful. I am getting older; I will be turning 14 in a little more than a month and I want to look at writing as a serious job when I grow older and graduate from college. @SamMadison and @Fallzswimmer are big role models to me and one day I wish I could maybe be as succcessful as them. They are both amazing girls and I am glad I found Wattpad more than a year ago so I could get to (kind of) know these girls. 
          	I want to write and FINISH a book and feel glad that I did. I want to know that people enjoy reading these books that I spend MY time to write for Y'ALL. Do I have to write these? No. I do this for you (and me) and I am glad I do.
          	So if you could please get back to me as soon as possible (I want y'all to help me decide what I should do) that would be awesome! 
          	P.S- I know I don't put cuss words in my stories (except for hell because hell is a place), and that is because I don't really like writing nor saying them. I know it would make the characters more realistic (sorry if that is spelled wrong) in my stories, but I just don't like using them.  If you could please look past that, that would be much appreciated. 
          	DATE: November 18, 2014


Dear ALL fans/followers, 
          Thank y'all SO much for your (little) support, but I might be making a new account. I just want to start fresh, so I will be 1) deleting a lot of stuff (like SOME of my works) from this Wattpad account OR 2) just make a new account. 
          I want to be successful. I am getting older; I will be turning 14 in a little more than a month and I want to look at writing as a serious job when I grow older and graduate from college. @SamMadison and @Fallzswimmer are big role models to me and one day I wish I could maybe be as succcessful as them. They are both amazing girls and I am glad I found Wattpad more than a year ago so I could get to (kind of) know these girls. 
          I want to write and FINISH a book and feel glad that I did. I want to know that people enjoy reading these books that I spend MY time to write for Y'ALL. Do I have to write these? No. I do this for you (and me) and I am glad I do.
          So if you could please get back to me as soon as possible (I want y'all to help me decide what I should do) that would be awesome! 
          P.S- I know I don't put cuss words in my stories (except for hell because hell is a place), and that is because I don't really like writing nor saying them. I know it would make the characters more realistic (sorry if that is spelled wrong) in my stories, but I just don't like using them.  If you could please look past that, that would be much appreciated. 
          DATE: November 18, 2014


Dear all followers AND fans,
          I am SO sorry I keep on changing my mind on stuff (like my stories) and not updating and slacking off. I feel really bad! School's been really busy lately (and more busy for me since I'm in the Junior Beta Club), but I'm trying. 
          Road Trip with a Celebrity (ON HOLD)
          Dear Allison (ON HOLD)
          So if you didn't get the memo, The Detour will be the only book that I will be updating. I am determined to finish that, before writing anymore on RTWAC and DA. 
          Thank you all SO much for your small, but helpful support and hopefully I will update The Detour soon. 
          P.S. - All fans and readers or Road Trip with a Celebrity and Dear Allison, please feel free to check out The Detour while your waiting! 
          Thanks! xoxo


Hey guys! So, for some reason my computer doesn't really like me, so it might be hard for me to updating anything for a while. The Internet decides to work when it want to and everything I have written, is on my computer. 
          Anyway, I am FINALLY reading the Harry Potter series (I just started the first book yesterday) and am loving it! I know, I know... "YOU HAVEN'T READ THE HARRY POTTER SERIES YET?!?!?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU????!!!!" I can assure you, nothing is wrong with me. I tried reading it like twice, but the beginning was kind of boring and I was just getting used to reading in 3rd person that I didn't enjoy it. But on Saturday my Grandma and I went to Target and got the Harry Potter box set (which was $70 be the way) so I will read them, I WILL. I'm already on page like 51, which is good since I have school AND have to write and do stuff when I get home. 
          Also, if you haven't checked out my "book" Story Ideas, please do. I changed it, so all it is is the title and a quote(s) that I wrote that could maybe inspire you. 
          So... yeah. I think that's all I wanted to say. 
          Oh wait! 
          I MIGHT start writing Dear Allison and take it off of hold, while putting The Detour on hold for a while, because I'm have writers block. I haven't decided yet. OR maybe, I might just post anything story, and this time make it a story that I WILL finish. 


Hey guys! 
          I'm thinking of making a new account... what do y'all think? Please give me you all's true thoughts and ideas. I just want to start all over (kind of). Please get back to me in the next few hours. If I don't hear from anyone, I will be making a new account and that one will be my main account. 


Writing update:
          Hey guys!
          I just wanted to let y'all know that I will be changing my account around some, and deleting/changing some stories and other things. I'm in 8th grade, about to go into high school, and I want to change some things up on here. 
          Also, for a change, I'm thinking about writing a fantasy, romance, etc. genre book. I'll still thinking about putting it up on Wattpad, but I will be writing that so if I'm not on Wattpad as much, that's why (and also because I need to read a lot of books. I am currently reading Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout.)
          So, yeah, I just wanted to let y'all know.


Fans!!! I am SO sorry that my updates take forever, but (as I say over and over again) I am only 13 and I like reading too, not just writing. I spend all day yesterday off of Wattpad so I could finish the published book, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson, I recommend it! Here is the Barnes & Noble link if you want to check it out! 
          Link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/amy-and-rogers-epic-detour-morgan-matson/1100365091?ean=9781416990666
          Happy Summer everyone and for the people who go to school early (in August) good luck and I hope you survive this year! I"m going into 8th grade on September 2, 2014.