
I apparently did not delete this account like I thought. Well, I figured I might as well let people know that I intend to deactivate this account and move to my other one, writer_reigns. So, bye! Keep writing your fabulous stuff. :)


Okey dokey everyone, so you've probably all witnessed how our characters keep changing as we keep RPing, writing, etcetera etcetera. As I was rereading the first scene of CTGS, I noticed I messed up on Silac's introduction. I fixed it, and now I'm wondering if there is anything that has changed that I need to fix in this story so it will no longer be inaccurate. After all, we wouldn't want that to happen! Thanks very much for all your support in this and inspiring me! (Can you do collab on Wattpad because I feel like you should be doing this with me) 


Yeah true. Well we have a group account but I'm not sure I want to go to the hassle of transferring it there. Oh well. Do let me know if there is anything I'm forgetting! (Besides Luna, because she is coming soon.) 


@oakleafofsilver42  We could always make a group account to share... but yeah, Google Docs works too.


@oakleafofsilver42  I don't think you can, but on google docs you can, then you copy your work from google docs and paste it on wattpad.