
you should’ve held on.
          	even though in a way I told  you not to.
          	you should’ve fought for me.
          	like I’ve had so many times.
          	but I guess you simply didn’t want to…


I need you to reach out to me.
          to communicate with me.
          I need closure.
          but what if I’ll never get it?
          will I be living my life, occasionally thinking of us—thinking about all the moments we had and it bringing tears to my eyes and an aching pain in my heart.. just. every. now. and. then. ?


It’s cold, dark and raining.. and I’m under a big pile of warm blankets, all cozied up while trying to write.
          Gonna grab me a large cup of tea now and maybe read a few chapters of the book I’m reading atm before hopefully falling asleep at a reasonable hour..