
It feels so weird posting again after being on a hiatus. For those of you who want an explanation, here it is;
          	I have been working towards my acting career and have had many excellent opportunities recently. I have met many new kind and loving people from this and have had a chance to reach out to others about personal problems. Of course, it wasn’t all good. My grandmother, who is not as old as you think, reconnected with a friend two years ago. Sadly, he passed away a couple months ago. He was planning to propose and never got the chance. 
          	I have stopped crying ever night since then, though it still hurts. We were extremely close and I can’t get into it anymore or else I’ll cry. I hope you all understand and I am available to chat whenever needed!


It feels so weird posting again after being on a hiatus. For those of you who want an explanation, here it is;
          I have been working towards my acting career and have had many excellent opportunities recently. I have met many new kind and loving people from this and have had a chance to reach out to others about personal problems. Of course, it wasn’t all good. My grandmother, who is not as old as you think, reconnected with a friend two years ago. Sadly, he passed away a couple months ago. He was planning to propose and never got the chance. 
          I have stopped crying ever night since then, though it still hurts. We were extremely close and I can’t get into it anymore or else I’ll cry. I hope you all understand and I am available to chat whenever needed!


Hiya Hi ! wOulD yOu LiKe tO bE iN mY bIo aS oNe oF tHe sTuDeNtS fRoM cLaSs 1-A?¿?¿ (Oh, also, I'm not sure if you're doing the same thing as well but if you are may I be someone too........?.......) Luv u! 


@KPAU_11_Shiteu_Rayn You can be in mine too! UwU


@KPAU_11_Shiteu_Rayn I would love to be in your bio!!




@---KatsukiBakugou--- //Pretend that there are hearts in the arms,lol