officialpeople_hater im not dead yall! just planning my own book, i might post snippets on here or full chapters if yall want but yeahh! i dont really know how long im gonna be back on wattpad for but i will reappear every few months. so good morning, good afternoon and goodnight.

officialpeople_hater im not dead yall! just planning my own book, i might post snippets on here or full chapters if yall want but yeahh! i dont really know how long im gonna be back on wattpad for but i will reappear every few months. so good morning, good afternoon and goodnight.


Hey y'all! I have gone to complete radio silence for like 2 or 3 months- I uh didnt mean to do that it just kinda happened? Also i will be editing and rewriting a lot of my work. I am also doing so much better than before the time i took for myself has given me the chance to reflect on myself and heal from the trauma of my past, so I am returning to Wattpad!


I think i might have to delete my tt account... A classmate of mine who is very homophobic i think? I dont know for sure found it and commented on a video and now she can see every i post so im scared shes gonna be mean when school starts again T_T 
          So i might just either delete the entire account or the vids
          I hope she aint gonna be mean


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15th birthday... year 6 of spending it away from my friends and no party, this is the SIXTH FUCKING TIME! SIXTH?! I'm done doing this every year from this one on no birthday no party no hope no use. Last one for good.
          So anyway hows everyone doing?


@0reotheweirdo thanks my dude your the best! I will pay for my own stuff though!


@officialpeople_hater I'll take you out for a snack when school starts with the like $11 to my name 


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Ok so I really fucked my sleep schedule so now I dont sleep till like 2 or 3 in the morning but hey in that time at night I created my own language!


@ officialpeople_hater  arson?


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hello everyone! i have not used this in sooooo long like fuck man i have decided to not use technology as much anymore i just havent seen much use for it as of late, i wish i could find interest in it again but i havent found interest in anything in a super long time. my mental health has taken a drop again, i am on medication for it but i wanted to let yall know my books wont be updated for a while i can try my best but i cant promise you anything, peace out nerds


I can hear it behind me its watching I dont have any idea what it is but the thing is. I'm terrified and I've only been terrified when my brother is around.
          I hope it thinks I'm texting my friend.
          I can feel it's cold breath on my neck I am scared to turn around and I dont want to take out my headphones, it is using my dads voice calling for me to come up, I am home alone with my sister.
          I hope it leaves soon