
          Thanks for the message. I'm actually trying to avoid ALL books pertaining to werewolves for the moment because the book I'm writing now, WAR IN LOVE is about werewolves too and I don't want to accidentally copy from you or change my story because of that lol
          BUT I will definitely add your story to my list to read later!!


For Starters, Your book 'RAW' is amazing so far that I have read it. and Secondly if you don't mind I would like for you to read my books. There's nothing much just very interesting and different I hope that you will like them. Again thank you, and I hope you have fun reading.


Thank you so much. I'm so glad you like it. It means a looooooot to me. And of course I'll check your books. I'm sure they're as amazing as you are. (; 
            Again, Thank you so much. xx