
My MacBook Pro came today, and I'm so happy! I'll hopefully be posting more chapters soon, so be prepared! ;)


1.10k reads on 'Cracked Ice'? Goodness gracious, I don't know what to say! Thank you so much, I'm on holiday right now and I just checked. I think I screamed loud enough to wake the whole hotel...
          Thank you all for reading my works and sticking with them, I love you all!
          - Cara


Why did you delete it? :(


So, here I am again, with no updates in over a month. The reason being that the MacBook I've so very much been waiting for has been delayed in it's postage. I pray that it will come by the 15th of next month. On a brighter note, my older laptop is just working, and I might be able to get atleast one chapter of a story out before the date previously mentioned.
          On another note, I'm very conflicted at the moment on wether or not to start a TFTBL or TTGOT fanfiction. I would appreciate your opinion on this and would love to hear any plot ideas.
          Thank you all for your patience, Cara.