
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been very active lately. School's been a b¡tch, and I've been struggling with writers block the past couple weeks. And even if I have, like, the motivation to write, I don't have any good ideas. So it's been hard these past couple weeks.
          	Anyways, I'll probably be doing more on AO3 hopefully. I've been reading a lot on there. And I have a couple fics in my Google Docs that I've been working on, on and off for a while. Let's just pray that I get motivation and ideas!
          	I'll hopefully post soon. My AO3 name is the same as this one, so I hope to see you there! :]


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been very active lately. School's been a b¡tch, and I've been struggling with writers block the past couple weeks. And even if I have, like, the motivation to write, I don't have any good ideas. So it's been hard these past couple weeks.
          Anyways, I'll probably be doing more on AO3 hopefully. I've been reading a lot on there. And I have a couple fics in my Google Docs that I've been working on, on and off for a while. Let's just pray that I get motivation and ideas!
          I'll hopefully post soon. My AO3 name is the same as this one, so I hope to see you there! :]


Stupid Wattpad isn't loading, so idk if the thing I published is going to or not, we'll see tomorrow when I'm not pissed off with the slow a$$ loading this thing has going on right now.


@eddz_ie like, not even like, Wattpad, just the stories I've written thing, it's annoying the sh¡t out of me


Guys- how to you work AO3? I'm so confused ;-;


I use Ao3 all the time I love it all you do is search in this format: Character/Character . So for example: Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington or Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove. Super simple! Let me know if you have more questions on how to use Ao3 cause there is a couple diff ways to search things up on that website 


Okay guys, here's my plan. So I'm going on vacation with my family later this month, SO, I'm planning on writing on the way there and back, bc we're going to Florida by driving, and it takes 18ish hours to get there.
          So I'll try to write a bunch within those 18 hours there and back :)
          Thank you to those who have given any suggestions, bc I will have a fun time writing them later this month :D


Y'all, give me some ideas please ;-;
          Or like a writing prompt or something- please! I need ideas! I have to motivation, I just don't have any ideas :'(
          I'ma make a requests thing rq bc I have standards ok?-
          I'ma do that rq- stay tuned my friends :)


The one shot I'm working on rn is almost 3000 words long, and it's shitty as hell- so I hope you all enjoy it once I post it bc it's really bad lol
          Might be because I've had trouble writing rn, but it's ok :)
          ALSO I have Twitter now right, and I just spend like 2 hours, sitting on my phone, looking at f**king Twitter- like wtf is wrong with me ;-;


@Big_wet_penis thank you, thank you, I appreciate it u-u




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Guys, I think I might cancel my Loverboy - Steddie story ;-;. I have like zero motivation or ideas to write that story anymore, I'm sorry! If someone wants to take it and finish it or something you can, I just am not good at keeping with one story for too long, so I'm just praying I can keep with the harringrove story bc I'm actually going somewhere with that shit- I just haven't worked on the Steddie story for so long that I just don't remember what I was doing, where it was going, or what I wanted to happen or anything. I'm sorry!!!!! But I'll keep writing oneshots and hopefully my harringrove story! Thanks for understanding everyone!!!
          I hope you have and/or are having a good day/night!!! <3