
Whew!! Chapter 4 is up -- and while this is the first time Isaac is introduced into the story, he is one of my favorites. I revised Chapters 1 and 3  as well.
          	Chapter 4 was a lot of fun to write, but also really difficult because of what I put the characters through. I know, bad author!!!
          	I hope y'all are all doing well and take care!! :)


Whew!! Chapter 4 is up -- and while this is the first time Isaac is introduced into the story, he is one of my favorites. I revised Chapters 1 and 3  as well.
          Chapter 4 was a lot of fun to write, but also really difficult because of what I put the characters through. I know, bad author!!!
          I hope y'all are all doing well and take care!! :)


Hey, guys!
          I just updated The Sugar Babies with chapter three! It was very difficult to write. Assault is a sensitive topic, but one I feel very strongly that teens need to talk about and read about, etc. more. No one should ever have to face anything like that alone. If you've ever been attacked, please -- please tell someone if you haven't already.
          Take care, you guys, and be safe!!


@Jennifer_Norton  Wattpad must know how horrible it is, LOL! Don't read it, it's awful -- I am going to work on revising it this evening and I will holler at ya once I have updated it. :D


I am so excited to get chapter two of The Sugar Babies updated! Writing about the Seychelles is really fun! I am really enjoying revising and working on this story -- new characters and new subplots and so much going on in my head!
          There's a new link in my bio that takes you to what the "cast" looks like in my head, as well, if you're at all interested.
          Take care!! And keep writing and/or reading!!


Hey, you guys!! I wanted to let you know that I updated my first chapter of The Sugar Babies and I am going to update with the second chapter soon! I've made some changes to the first chapter and changed a lot of names -- I know, awful, lol -- but I am feeling good about what's been done! 
          Chapter 2 will follow Ollie as she starts her vacation in the Seychelles!! Really excited about it, cannot wait to get it ready to go!! I might stay up and finish it. :)
          Take care!!!