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ALLEGIANCE IS PROVEN BY THE BLOOD SACRIFICE AND SHE FOLLOWS ITS RED TRAIL UNTIL IT ENDS IN A POOL AGAINST THIS UNHOLY GROUND, SPREADING TOWARDS HER FEET AND LEAKING INTO THE CRACKS. violence has shown itself to her in its many forms and this one is no less ugly than the last, but these dark eyes have become accostomed to its most gruesome. she has been both its cause and its effect, both the inflicter of its punishment and the one who bears its consequence. THE MIDNIGHT AIR IS EERILY STAGNANT AND IN ITS STILLNESS SHE SEEMS TO SOAK UP ALL THE LIGHT AND SHADOW AT ONCE. awareness heightens after a brief examination and she is able to come to a conclusion: if he was driven by anything other than a purpose, other than a duty, the desire to drive that blade into his enemy would have easily extended to her. she tests this by purposefully awaiting slaughter, seeing what his next move will be (anticipating all the ways in which she could punish the deed before it’s committed). THE MOVE IS NEVER MADE. ❝ DON’T MATTER NOW…❞ she responds unexpectedly with her voice low and on the border of irritation. there is no telling whether it is directed at his question or at the concern that comes after. she moves in closer to the scene and into the light, her strength in build growing noticeable and the markings of her flesh coming into view ❝ ALREADY TOOK A STEP IN YOUR SHIT AN’ NOW AH’M KNEE DEEP IN IT. Y’AIN’T GOT NOTHIN’ T’ HIDE, AN’ IF YOU DO IT SURE AS HELL WON’T BE FROM ME. ❞ despite her tone, she shows no signs of ill intent as her jaw shifts to the side. she looks to down at the fresh kill, the bodies, then back to him. ❝ SEEN WORSE [stated flatly]… HOW MANY MORE? ❞ @traitorson