I'm Aryanna. I'm sharing this account with one of my best internet friends <3 Paige.  I like Icy blue And a whole lot of dark colours. I'm a #hardcoreoncer #CaptainSwanForever I will be the future Mrs. Jared Gilmore <3 Oh and...I'm secretly a dolphicorn. 

Hello I'm Paige. As Aryanna said we are sharing this account and we are best internet friends (Secretly twins) I like black and won't stop wearing it until they make a darker colour. I'm a hard core oncer, it's a life style not just a TV show. Proud Captain Swan shipper and Colifer shipper. Anyway I am the Future Mrs. Dylan Schmid and part Uniwaler
  • On Planet Earth
  • JoinedNovember 11, 2015