
Hi everyone! How are you doing? 
          	For me, 2024 has been full of surprises so far, and I just received the best surprise ever. I'M HAVING MY VERY OWN SORA/KEISUKE SOON! :))) Yey!!! That's one of the reasons why I can't/haven't updated in a while because I am advised for a bedrest, and I'll be busier with child care once the baby arrives so I'm hoping for your kind understanding because that means that I may not be able to stick around for that long anymore.
          	Thank you so much for still supporting my works! I really do appreciate each and every comments, messages, and love I received and still receiving <3
          	Always take care and stay awesome!


Congrats! I just saw this and I hope all is best!


hi, i'm a brazilian reader and I have a question; I can translate this history for Brazil? You would receive credits for each chapter <3


@ matsumy-kanroji  wow eu super apoio foi bem difícil ler um livro em inglês foi o primeiro livro que eu li em outra língua não sendo o português kkkkk os brasileiros iriam adorar isso conserteza 


Hi everyone! How are you doing? 
          For me, 2024 has been full of surprises so far, and I just received the best surprise ever. I'M HAVING MY VERY OWN SORA/KEISUKE SOON! :))) Yey!!! That's one of the reasons why I can't/haven't updated in a while because I am advised for a bedrest, and I'll be busier with child care once the baby arrives so I'm hoping for your kind understanding because that means that I may not be able to stick around for that long anymore.
          Thank you so much for still supporting my works! I really do appreciate each and every comments, messages, and love I received and still receiving <3
          Always take care and stay awesome!


Congrats! I just saw this and I hope all is best!


New chapter are up for HTTAC!!! Too lazy to proofread for now so please excuse the typos wrong grammar. 


@onexxj thank you for the update!!


@onexxj Thanks for updating :3


On a side note or smt... I am still blushing at the last chapter even after writing it. Hope it made you blush too bc arrrrrgh