
“Go commit no more O2 inhalation” headass- Imma need to pipe down with this why do I find myself cringing at my old self every year...anyway I wonder why I have 200 follower. The fan fiction I wrote wasn’t that good if you’re still active or whatnot...Hi hows life been after so many year


“Go commit no more O2 inhalation” headass- Imma need to pipe down with this why do I find myself cringing at my old self every year...anyway I wonder why I have 200 follower. The fan fiction I wrote wasn’t that good if you’re still active or whatnot...Hi hows life been after so many year


Pacer test was awful. My chest burn. I was wheezing the life outta myself.


 I'm jealous...I had to take gym for 2 semester...


             Girl, you don't know how glad I am that I don't have to take gym anymore  