
Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". I hope it won't disappoint you plus I'm a new writer it will be a great help if you give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story. 
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot. 
          Thanksieeee and yess Alec is underrated (・ัω・ั)


Hey there!
          Hope you doing fine. Sorry for bugging you
          I started a story that revolves around school, friends, and love. If time permits please give it a try. I’ll be humbled to know your opinions on it. 
          Thank you for considering this message.
          Have a good day!


@_sxmriddhi_ Hiiii, of course I'll read it I love these genres ;P Have a great day! :)


          Sorry for disturbing.
          I hope you're taking care of yourself.
          If you want to read a realistic story, please check out this beautiful story of my dear friend.I'm sure it will not fail to impress you.
          Thank you for letting me disturb you.


@soniayaduvanshi Hiii! You're good, you're not disturbing me :)
            I would love to check it out, I'm opening it right now <3
            TYSM for the rec!


Thanks for giving my book a chance. It means a lot♥


@saubhagya8 Dude, of course, I love your book. I didn't expect to love it so much! It's so charismatic and funny, but cute ;) I LITERALLY will not be able to sleep until the next update/chapter <3