
I'd like to apologize in advance for not updating The Broken Dimension tonight. (Or last night oops), I'm visiting family, and for the majority of the day I did not have internet. I hope that on the way back home tomorrow, I'm able to get a little bit of the chapter out of the way. I'll probably have a week after that to write like crazy before school starts. Hopefully stress city will be kind to me lol


Wait, ahhaha, I just realised that you're a judge, oh my god, wow!


@isolatedstar Thanks! You have a nice day too!


@outofprintgame that's so cool! All the very best for this time around then! 
            Have a nice day. Xx


@isolatedstar Yep! I hope I can be a good judge, the last time I did this I got way over my head and did a terrible job with getting things done on time, but I think I'll manage my time better!


Ah, your account is aesthetically pleasing! Your profile picture and your covers as well! They are simplistic and I love 'em all, especially Showtime. And did you draw the last one? 'Cause wow that's so amazing! Xx


@outofprintgame Thanks! And me too! ❤


@isolatedstar I'm so glad I was able to help, and glad to meet you!


@outofprintgame yeah your advice was really helpful, thanks a lot! Me too, it's always great to meet new people! (:


I'd like to apologize in advance for not updating The Broken Dimension tonight. (Or last night oops), I'm visiting family, and for the majority of the day I did not have internet. I hope that on the way back home tomorrow, I'm able to get a little bit of the chapter out of the way. I'll probably have a week after that to write like crazy before school starts. Hopefully stress city will be kind to me lol


Our Parts of the Cosmos:  The Broken Dimension will start to be published tomorrow at 6:30, central standard time! Thank you for all the support I've gotten in the process of planning, and writing the first few chapters of this book. I hope to see you all on the first chapter!
             Take care of yourself y'all, make sure you eat something, drink lots of water, and take any medication you may need. Love you all!


Oh, and if anyone has any questions regarding the book, let me know! I worry that I'm being too vague about things :0


After years of silence, the barren wasteland of this page, the only survivors of the apocalypse of the un-publishing are We the Disasters and Ivory and George. The independent island of Ivory and George is mysteriously populated by cats, and maybe two or three people. But they're fine. 
            However, the land of We The Disasters is thriving and on it's way to becoming a bustling community of more than just cats. It has been this was sense the fall of the kingdom of The Missing, which was lost in the mysterious apocalypse of the un-publishing. 
            This community on the rise has a democracy and a constitution, and everything that a young country needs. Well... almost everything.    
            You see, the prince of the kingdom has no idea how to make flags, and did a basic google search for one. But he has decided that now it is time for a real flag. This brings us back to square one, because he doesn't have any clue how to make said flag. 
            So he sits down at his computer to post a long and convoluted metaphor to let the citizens of We The Disasters know that he needs a new cover for his book, all while narrating in third person. So, if you know how to make covers, I- *cough* I mean the prince, would not mind in the slightest if you made one. You would get credit. The only rule is that you must use the original picture that is already the cover. 
            -an attention seeking mess