
Hi guys! Wanna hear something weird? So today us and our family were at the pool an it started raining, we all went in the hot tub but it started to rain even harder so we had to detour our evil plan, we had to stay in shelter, but the shelter we were in was like a replica of my dream! Except it was just flying, it was really weird, and then after that when the rain stopped we went swimming again.


Hi guys! Wanna hear something weird? So today us and our family were at the pool an it started raining, we all went in the hot tub but it started to rain even harder so we had to detour our evil plan, we had to stay in shelter, but the shelter we were in was like a replica of my dream! Except it was just flying, it was really weird, and then after that when the rain stopped we went swimming again.


Wanna hear something weird? I had a dream when I was a two year old that I was in a volcano and the lava looked like.........cream????? And someone was sinking in it (•-•), and I said, "well dat just sucks", and for some reason I woke up hating the word sucks, ........wut? Why would infant me dream that??? And now I hate the word sucks to this day, it was confusing....