
what is up nerds, I have finally logged in to this account again. I want to start writing and rping again, hit a girl up if you are down for that or some games on pc!


@pahanin Hey! I'm up for a Destiny roleplay if you're still looking! I'm going on a trip soon and I might need something to entertain me! My discord is bellerose35 if you're up for it! 


what is up nerds, I have finally logged in to this account again. I want to start writing and rping again, hit a girl up if you are down for that or some games on pc!


@pahanin Hey! I'm up for a Destiny roleplay if you're still looking! I'm going on a trip soon and I might need something to entertain me! My discord is bellerose35 if you're up for it! 


People that complained about queue time for Shadowkeep make me want to barf. It's one of the most popular games, with a highly anticipated dlc drop, the game had issues the day before, and the server was bombarded with people. Like, have you never played a Destiny dlc before? This is not a new issue, this has happened with multiple Destiny dlcs, D1 included. Bungie is trying their hardest lol 


Those that follow me and rp with me, I owe you an explanation in regards to my lack of communication and recent disappearance. Since last fall, I have been dealing with severe depression, social anxiety spikes, and suicidal tendencies. It got so out of hand I finally sought out professional help in May and received medication and therapy. I'm still not doing the best, but it's much better than it was. I figured I'd at least explain why I have been ghosting and giving you all lack luster replies. I turn 20 this coming month and on top of that stress, there were two deaths in the family, both of who meant the world to me, so it has made my depression symptoms resurface and it's been really hard for me to cope with. It's not an excuse, but an explanation. I hope you all can understand. 


@pahanin thank you, it means a lot. Things have been a tad bit easier for me now


@pahanin Oh we definitely understand. I hope it all smooths over well, and soon.


you know, growing up, 20 seems like a big number, and now that I'm a few months away from the big 2 and 0, I feel 12 more than ever. When does the exciting part of adulthood hit me? 21? 24? 29? 32? 


@pahanin cherish it while you can! 


Ooooh ya growing up!  And I have no clue, I'm still looking for the thrill of being a teenager. xD


Heyo! Does anybody have/play Warframe for PS4? I'm redownloading it and giving it another chance after the PoE dlc made me disinterested. So, if anyone wants to flounder with me and help expand my frame knowledge, hit ya girl up! 


@Kell_of_Dawn I'm no where near end game ready lol, but I have a few frames that either aren't leveled or I could work on. I'm always down to do that! 


@pahanin Ayyyyy, I'll run through some WF with ya some time then. I'm endgame ready already with Umbra and a few good frames.