not really active here anymore sorry

hi I'm sebastian/wilbur, feel free to call me either, I have no preference

I'm a guy so my pronouns are he/him ig lmao

I'm very happily taken by @Blood-Soaked_Rainbow <333 go follow them rn

I'm not a big fan of talking to people I don't know too well here so if you wanna message me, I'd prefer it if we talked through discord since I'm way more active there

I don't really write anymore since all the fandoms I'm in are toxic as fuck, I might make some occasional frerard stuff. I might also write about my own characters sometime. I update my art book a lot so go check that out please lol

if you're gonna hate on age regressors then kindly fuck off before I block you :)
  • drawing edgy gay furries
  • انضمMarch 3, 2019

قصص بقلم ur dad
random shit بقلم palaye-loser
random shit
I think I deleted my old one but idk wattpad sucks lmao
adopts? بقلم palaye-loser
i took down my old one rip
tutorials and shit بقلم palaye-loser
tutorials and shit
don't steal. I'll beat your ass with a shovel if you do.
ranking #393 في tipsandtricks إظهار جميع المراتِب
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