


aw gabbie – i just saw your message! i didn't really come on here much as i said ,, but now that i did i can't believe how much i've missed you. don't thank me, love. i'm happy you've confronted me because honestly idk if i had the courage to. all i wanna say – it's okay. it's perfectly alright. don't feel terrible about it, bby. if i would go back to the old times and was given the choice, i would still choose to love you and to be there for you. i'd do that a million more times. i apologize too, i honestly don't know what would've happened to us if you never left me that message. ah well, i loved the thirteen year old gabbie, the fourteen year old gabbie, i still love the fifteen year old gabbie, and i will love the sixty year old gabbie. i'll love you forever! no matter what changes, or WHO changes, my love will never change. i'll give you that uwu. i sound cheesy asf rn but whaat pls lemme continue stanning you ;-; 
          thank you for listening to me yesterday, really. know that you can also vent out anytime..! take good care of yourself! <33


ah, hi gabbie. <3
          i'll just be honest in regard to your message – i rlly did notice the lack of connection between us and it did sadden me a lot.. we sure as hell had a strong bond, and i know you can't deny it as well. but i don't blame you bby, you shouldn't apologize for growing up fast. i know gabbie on ig is different than the one i know on wp, but it still is gabbie for all i care. i love gabbie. idc how she behaves around me anymore or how she might have changed. it's not that i like the wp version of you or smthn. i love you, for whoever you are, so do not thank me for supporting you. i always will. you won't scare me away, and you won't make me uncomfortable. i think i'd feel that way only when you DON'T message me. don't be afraid to talk to me, gabbie. i did feel really sad bc we slowly became more distant everyday.. so yes. i'll continue to think of you as a really special friend, so please do try to talk to me more love! i'm happy that you sent me that message. thank you bb. please stay safe, and happy. i love you and i always will. ♡


how are you doing lately? have you been well? 


jaehyun's a hot papi chulo ;(


please never say that again 


@drkfucks :'> thanks


@drkfucks no, darling, no. YOU DESERVE IT.