
Dear reader, I apologize for intruding into your space, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to peruse my friend's story, 'Solace.' I am confident that you will find it worthwhile and engaging. Thank you for considering my request.
          With every dawn, their love did grow,
          A radiant flame, with a gentle glow,
          In Nidhi's laughter, Vaibhav found his song,
          In Vaibhav's embrace, Nidhi felt strong.
          Trope: An Arranged Marriage based story.
          If you are into slow burn,do give it a shot. 


Sorry to disturb you, not sure if you are accepting reading requests. If you aren't, please free to delete this message. 
          • •
          It was all too easy until it wasn't. 
          A tale where you throw in a dash of secret contract, a teaspoon of forced marriage pact, heaps of humour and romance and that is how you get a couple who share no commonality, Royally Trapped.
          It's a heartwarming romantic comedy that feels like a cosy blanket on a chilly day. It's sweet & spicy. If you enjoy this genre, I would be grateful if you gave my book a chance.



@_meethi_ Thanks for the suggestion. I would love to read it