
someone date me. thanks


oh damn, i was tagged by @foreverlily81 to do a music playlist thing. so i have to choose my five favorite songs. and that's kind of impossible so im going to choose the songs that are just always playing in my head. 
          1: if i could fly by one direction (i love all of their music this just happens to be the one im infatuated with atm)
          2: small bump by ed sheeran (all of ed's songs are amazayn)
          3: death of a bachelor by panic! at the disco (brendon is bae)
          4: secret love song pt. II by little mix (bc its larry af)
          5: hamilton the musical as a collective
          6: beautiful from the musical heathers (bc i couldn't leave it out)
          so those are my favorite songs and artists, there's so much more than that though. i'll tag:
          - @izzy_mu12llr
          - @pamisqueen
          - @mm_c123
          - @adorablewink