
Hey everyone, just thought I’d share a few things quickly.
          	First of all, I’m sorry for being so inactive. I don’t use Wattpad anymore (I download it every now and then to see notifications I might have on my stories, messages, etc.) I won’t be writing any more chapters for any of my stories unless for some reason in the future I get back into writing and want to. If that happens I’ll be sure to post another update here.
          	I want to thank everyone for all of the positive messages on my stories. I really do appreciate it!!
          	Also some stuff about me and what’s been going on in my life lately. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over a year and a half now. I never thought I’d meet someone who could love me like him. I have never been so in love.
          	He started college in September and I started grade 11. Having him an hour-an hour and a half away has been really hard and a big change but we’re getting through it.
          	I’m now a year and two months clean from cutting. I do want to sometimes but I know the guilt and regret will be almost impossible to get through if I do it.
          	My grades have improved a lot since last year.
          	I turned 16 in July of 2019.
          	I think that’s it about my life lol. How has everyone been doing?


@paperbug that's amazing love!! wish you all the best<3


Hey I read 2 of your books and maybe you can avail a book of mine if your are from India its of similar category that's axiety and depression but in a abusive relationship 
           Title: "The Last Chapter"
           Author: Samprikta Paul (pen name: Cynthia Seven)
           Genre: Poetry
           You can find "The Last Chapter" on both Amazon and Flipkart, making it easily accessible to readers. Don't miss out on this exciting new release!



i was too nervous to put myself out there until i saw many others doing it themselves to help get noticed and be able to have their stories and stuff read, so i’m going to do the same.
          i’ve had wattpad for a bit and just recently started writing on here here and there and want some feedback and just to show my writing abilities. i’m pretty confident in them tbh.