
Hey guys I'm trying to help my friend through emotional abuse and she won't listen her boyfriend told her to block me so I can't talk to her, I need advice 


Thank you, I've already contacted her mom to show my concern. Thanks for the help love 


Hey I don't know her so I can't be to helpful, if I was you I would alert either her parents or someone like a family member. If you think it's more than emotional abuse alert the authorities. Just be there for her, a simple smile if you see her in the street. The most important thing is, don't hurt yourself. I know you probably want to just go to her boyfriends house and beat him up, but don't put yourself in that position. I don't know if this will help xxx❤️❤️


Hey guys I'm trying to help my friend through emotional abuse and she won't listen her boyfriend told her to block me so I can't talk to her, I need advice 


Thank you, I've already contacted her mom to show my concern. Thanks for the help love 


Hey I don't know her so I can't be to helpful, if I was you I would alert either her parents or someone like a family member. If you think it's more than emotional abuse alert the authorities. Just be there for her, a simple smile if you see her in the street. The most important thing is, don't hurt yourself. I know you probably want to just go to her boyfriends house and beat him up, but don't put yourself in that position. I don't know if this will help xxx❤️❤️