
although i haven't posted to my message board in nearly 2 years, i simply wanted to share how excited i am for all the new works that i've been publishing lately!
          	since last year, i have completely fallen in love with writing again (despite my chronic writer's block) and i am incredibly passionate about all the new stories that i have to tell!
          	we have many new faces around here as well, including a few of the characters from the (several) books i have published. however, they all hold a very special place in my heart and i'm truly hoping to continue their stories this year.
          	 i now have a total of 27 published stories!!! that is insane!
          	granted, some of them only have a few chapters (and let's not even talk about the books that i have had for YEARS that are STILL not finished *cough* howls into the void *cough*) but that's only because i have sooo many ideas and so little time!
          	as of recently, i have had a profound realization. 
          	as an aspiring author, i hope for writing to be my career one day. therefore, NOW is most likely the only time i will get to enjoy writing, and thus, write about whatever i want (when i want) and have no deadlines, etc! 
          	i put so much pressure on myself to make my books perfect and a few of my books are even formidable to me... i'm actually intimidated by the task of writing sometimes! which is nuts... i should be having fun!
          	which is exactly what i've been doing :)
          	i'm only 19 and i have the rest of my life to complete these books. if i do, great! if not, that's okay too! (a part of me secretly fears that i'll die before finishing HITV) 
          	if i have an idea, i'm gonna pursue it! 
          	if i'm having writer's block, i'll take a break! 
          	if i'd rather work on something old, or something new, who's gonna stop me?
          	the world is my oyster! and i'm gonna write till my heart's content <3


although i haven't posted to my message board in nearly 2 years, i simply wanted to share how excited i am for all the new works that i've been publishing lately!
          since last year, i have completely fallen in love with writing again (despite my chronic writer's block) and i am incredibly passionate about all the new stories that i have to tell!
          we have many new faces around here as well, including a few of the characters from the (several) books i have published. however, they all hold a very special place in my heart and i'm truly hoping to continue their stories this year.
           i now have a total of 27 published stories!!! that is insane!
          granted, some of them only have a few chapters (and let's not even talk about the books that i have had for YEARS that are STILL not finished *cough* howls into the void *cough*) but that's only because i have sooo many ideas and so little time!
          as of recently, i have had a profound realization. 
          as an aspiring author, i hope for writing to be my career one day. therefore, NOW is most likely the only time i will get to enjoy writing, and thus, write about whatever i want (when i want) and have no deadlines, etc! 
          i put so much pressure on myself to make my books perfect and a few of my books are even formidable to me... i'm actually intimidated by the task of writing sometimes! which is nuts... i should be having fun!
          which is exactly what i've been doing :)
          i'm only 19 and i have the rest of my life to complete these books. if i do, great! if not, that's okay too! (a part of me secretly fears that i'll die before finishing HITV) 
          if i have an idea, i'm gonna pursue it! 
          if i'm having writer's block, i'll take a break! 
          if i'd rather work on something old, or something new, who's gonna stop me?
          the world is my oyster! and i'm gonna write till my heart's content <3


Sorry for the self advertising, but me and my friend are writing a story called Rooftops. It's our first story on Wattpad. We only have one chapter up because we wanted someone's opinion before we keep writing it. It would mean a lot to us if you could just go check it out real quick. If not, that's totally fine. Either way, I hope you have an amazing day/night :)


Hello there... It's been a while since I've posted anything on my message board. This year has been quite difficult for me, especially regarding my writing... 
          I won't bore you with my sob story, but essentially, I've also been suffering from writer's block for months. I wanted to publish new chapters and update my books, however, I wasn't feeling inspired by anything I was writing. I wasn't motivated to write anything remotely creative and I felt stuck... 
          That is until one of my best friends inspired me to publish an old story I wrote in 2012 when I was 11... This book quite literally changed my life. It INSPIRED me to write again! Before I knew it, I had planned an entire second part of the book. 
          I wrote Part One of this story in 2012 when I was approximately 11 years old, therefore the story is plagued with numerous spelling errors, improper grammar and plot holes... However, I truly believe it has great potential! The characters are dynamic, unique and relatable. The plot is riveting, dramatic and adventurous. I personally was enamored with Guardian and wanted to witness his character development further into the story.
          Hence why I decided to give this novel a proper ending! This story holds a very special place in my heart, as I was so young when I wrote such an unforgettable book - the longest one I have ever written, not forgetting to mention! That being said, I might rewrite the story eventually, but for now, I just wanted to create Part Two in the hopes of completing this epic novel!
          If you decide to give this book a chance, I truly want to say thank you! I sincerely hope you enjoy what it has to offer thus far... You would be reading the very story that had such a monumental impact on my life. This book not only inspired me, but it saved me... 


I started a story :) thanks for the nice words that encouraged me to start one


okay! i’ll read them right now :)


this message may be offensive
@paris_monet lol I have the first 3 parts uploaded if you wanna check them out I'm working on the 4th one right now but its kinda hard with school. We're doing a shit ton of testing


@Malii006 omg congrats! and you're welcome! i can't wait for you to publish it, i'll be the first to read it!!! (and vote of course lol)


After taking quite the long break from Howls into the Void to focus on Bikes, Beaches, and Afternoon Waffles, I have finally managed to update the latter! 
          Chapter 6 of Howls into the Void is now published! This is one of my favorite chapters I have written thus far! There is action, suspense, and drama! It's the perfect trio to propel the plot forward!
          I have so much planned for the Howls into the Void series, I am eager to keep writing! I have more work to do for the first book, my website, and my other book Howls into the Void: Author's Commentary. I have my work cut out for me, to say the least! 
          I'm thankful that I have such lovely readers to embark on this journey with me! Stay tuned and enjoy the new chapter! :)


Chapter 8 of Bikes, Beaches, and Afternoon Waffles is published! :D
          This is one of my favorite chapters and it's the longest one thus far! I spent countless hours gorging on coffee, hovering over my computer, writing and editing this chapter - but the outcome made it all worth it! 
          I'm very proud to have completed this chapter! Please show your support by reading, commenting - and voting if you're feeling generous! I would really appreciate it! :)
          There's a very special author's note at the end of the chapter to express my gratitude and announce the fact I've reached my milestone of 1k reads! My readers mean the entire world to me, and I can't begin to thank you enough!!! 
          Happy New Year! <3


          Today I reached 1k on Bikes, Beaches and Afternoon Waffles! I couldn’t be happier to have met my goal and in such a short amount of time since I began rewriting the story!
          I am so thankful for each and every one of you who has supported this story with your reads, votes and comments! You mean the world to me and I truly can’t thank you enough!
          I wasn’t prepared for this, so I have no idea how I’m going to celebrate. However, that doesn’t minimize the significance of this achievement whatsoever!
          1k reads symbolizes that my book is being recognized and that my passion and dedication to the story is being appreciated! This is such a glorious feeling and I’m honestly speechless. 
          Thank you again to anyone who has engaged with this book! I’m the happiest girl in the world because of you! 
          Oh, and I hope you enjoy the holidays! ❤️