
mesaj potențial jignitor
/ ; oH MY FUFUFUCKJGN GOD SISTERS I AM FINALLY BACK!!i missed a fuckton of stuff holy shit-


to think, almost a full year had passed since they had kept in touch. This fact made kana almost hesitant, as many things had changed in the passed months. would she have been recognizable? what if her dear changed numbers? it was all so worrying, and the cold phone in her prosthetic hand made her shaking somewhat worse. she paced back and forth in her room before finally typing out a text on the onscreen keyboard to greet the pinkette, soon throwing her phone onto her bed once she did and running out of the room as if she had just set a bomb. a simple, “ Hey ! It’s been a while ! Sorry for not being at school . ” 


this message may be offensive
" what the fuck does virgin mary of toes mean -."
            a bitch finna cry no cap


“ bro probably ? you don’t even know ? did you become the virgin mary of toes ??? “
            goofing around bouta make kana cry my g like its so nostalgic


this message may be offensive
" most probably, yes. On Fucking God "
            she missed goofing around with her like this. gahdamn. 


* :; 


# USER ID ;  @pastelenergies- 
            「 i miss it too bro but i’ll be okay im waiting for my mom first﹏✍︎ 


            ❧ ;; I MISS OUR DUMBASSERY also yes u go b but after this pls rest


;; i love being dumb okay im gonna uudhdjdjx start it but im currently illterate due to not sleep so 


/ ;  so yeah , i lost my phone . 
          / ; i probably wont be that active on all my accs [ -mochimobbu , S-SUGARYREALITIES , K-KARAMATSUNOS , yada yada you get the point ] since wattpad on mobile is much more easy to navigate on my opinion , so yeah ! i'll see everybody on the flipside . <3


❥ ࿐ ࿔ ; cb for a starter parechongs im Bored and horny for some rping or sumn


@lance-pan-pride ; ☤ ೄྀ࿐
            //; that’s nice and all bro but like shi is my friend and i think it’s safe to say she’s uncomfortable with underage smut, even if the age gap is just a year ! sorry man : \ 
            also it’s ,,, kinda h m m m to offer smut as a first interaction with a stranger’s oc ,, i don’t mean to offend you though ! 


@lance-pan-pride ; ☤ ೄྀ࿐
            //; ayo sorry for butting in but,,, bro um,,, this oc is only 16 and i think shi didn’t literally mean she was horny i — 


hey ! have you seen an old man pass
          by here ? i think i lost my pops —


✎ ࿐ ; @chisakais 
            / ; i LITERALLT threw my head on the table thank u for my life gale
            ( she paused , tilting her head as she looked down at the boy . he kinda looked familiar , in a really odd way . ) ah , sorry , i'm not sure i have . what does he look like , though ? maybe i can help you look for him ― ?