
this message may be offensive
Was rereading my sanzu ff and maybe I will continue it on my break...but I'm a lazy ass bitch so we'll see


@peachmoment_ pls do  i'm so invested LOL


Hello i reaallyyy really like your fanfics and all darling but why did you remove your Mikey fanfic tho?? It was great really in all honesty


@peachmoment_  hello i was inactive so i didnt notice that you replied but thank you for the confirmation tho and no need to say sorry its okay its fine now and i hope you continue on writing(im not forcing you cause it seems offensive tha way it sounds to me) despite those nasty comments, you have readers who actually enjoy the story you write soo... take care of yourself darling luv you٩(●˙—˙●)۶


@halluella hi! sorry for the late response but i just thought my mikey fic was just cringy and I wasn't sure where I was going with the plot honestly so I just decided to delete it. There were also a lot of comments about the book which weren't exactly pretty so JSSJSJSK im sorry :((


I think it's just better not to comment at all if you don't like how a book is written. It just gives me discomfort and anxiety :((
          I know I said I was open to criticism but there's a fine line between criticism and disrespect. I am not a perfect writer nor did I say that my books are perfect. It's full of flaws and I know it isn't that good. 
          I'm not mad, I just felt sad that's all JSKDJSJS I'm just ranting at this point but I felt like I needed to say it. Anyway, let's just be respectful to one another and keep the vibes positive<33 
          That's all, stay safe!<33


@tiffanq ur so sweet for this pls T_T I got over it real quick lol but I'm really grateful for this <333 Just know that ur also an amazing writer and let's just both ignore all of their rude remarks<333 gotta keep the vibes positive lol stay safe!!


literally late to this BUT DONT WORRY I FEEL THE SAME WAY. i always tell ppl to give me constructive criticism whenever they see something wrong with my writing but then again when it actually happens i get a bit downhearted. but honestly if you do get any rude critics they literally know nothing bc i love your books sm THEY ARE ALL GOOD IN TERMS OF BOTH STORYLINE AND WRITING!!


@AnshuKhadka uh-huh I feel a lot better now!! Thank you for your words I really appreciate them T_T Rest well and drink a lot of water<333