
Hey just so everyone is awear cosmic paths is almost done I'm on chapter nine page 111 and it's the climax rn. I'll probably need a lot of editing and more chapters but I'm hoping to get to that point before may so I can kill Erin on their b day (we ignore the fact that their cannon b day is June 11th i started writing on the first of May so that's what I'm counting) any way idk why I'm posting this non of you read it but yeah! Just thought I would share that


@pearl-the-hedgehog  YAYYYYY keep up the awesome work! :D


@Persephone_Strange thank you! I've been suffering for this child for almost a year now and I'm going to be so excited to throw them in a trash compactor


@pearl-the-hedgehog That's awesome! I'm so proud of you!! (which may sound weird from someone you barely know, but I hope you understand what I mean— it takes a lot of dedication to finish a book! ^^)


Hey just so everyone is awear cosmic paths is almost done I'm on chapter nine page 111 and it's the climax rn. I'll probably need a lot of editing and more chapters but I'm hoping to get to that point before may so I can kill Erin on their b day (we ignore the fact that their cannon b day is June 11th i started writing on the first of May so that's what I'm counting) any way idk why I'm posting this non of you read it but yeah! Just thought I would share that


@pearl-the-hedgehog  YAYYYYY keep up the awesome work! :D


@Persephone_Strange thank you! I've been suffering for this child for almost a year now and I'm going to be so excited to throw them in a trash compactor


@pearl-the-hedgehog That's awesome! I'm so proud of you!! (which may sound weird from someone you barely know, but I hope you understand what I mean— it takes a lot of dedication to finish a book! ^^)


HEY! Final update (prob for a while because nothing big is happening might post a new bit to cosmic paths.) But I'm doing fine things didn't get worse and that's the most I could ask for! 
          I did find out that tonight were having croissants that I like a lot, tomorrow were having sushi (the only thing that can beat ramen) and the day after were going to be making this spicy chicken recipe so I'm excited!
          In other news ill start working on the comic again given I have 14 people who are waiting for characters to make an appearance and I want it done.
          I'm still kinda bummed that out of all 123 of you only 4 had any reaction to me mentally dying but Ig that's what happens when you decide 'I'm not going to be the only person trying to keep this relationship alive'
          Anyway sad thoughts aside I hope you all have a nice day!!!! Love you guys


Wow today just can't get worse can it? (I'm not going to say what happened exactly but it's enought to cause a small panic between every one I know


@pearl-the-hedgehog Yw!! Love you too, I'll be here for you if needed!! *hugs softly*


@Minorie_BunBun23 god you can't do this to me your gonna make me cry and I'm in a public place thank you so much I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@pearl-the-hedgehog You shouldn't need to thank me!! It's just the right thing to do, and I want you to know we will always be here for you!! ❤️❤️❤️


You guys know what I love to do in the morning? Get yelled at because I'm feeling shitty then end up crying because I'm more emotional than usual today


@pearl-the-hedgehog No no it’s ok and understandable that sounds like a lot 
            Sorry that your morning was rough ‘hug emojis’ 


I'm sorry I'm gonna go on a tiny bit of a rant because I'm kinda pissed off. So I did a raffle that just ended. It was ment to be 'hey I have a lot of crowd screens coming up soon so you guys can save me the trouble of making a lot of random side characters and yours can cameo in the comic' my only real rule was 'hey this is a sci-fi book please pick alien characters or if you were going to do a human make them not like your average human (rare features eye colors stuff you don't find every day)  now only one person has given me characters so far (it ended like five seconds ago) and told me to do any of their characters (they were both human). Already I'm kinda mad because I told them specifically not to do average humans and they did just that. Then I go on to the other profile to inform them they won and I see one person with something even close to an alien character (I'm not saying they dont have one just that they don't look like they have ever considered doing one. But yeah how are you guys doing today I'm kinda mad :D
          (also I checked the runners ups (then people who win if the winners don't respond or DON'T FOLLOW THE TASK) and all of them and yes I mean ALL FIVE OF THEM have profiles with non human characters! Like what?! These guys got it why couldn't you!


@Persephone_Strange Dont worry it's in no way shape or form your fault


@pearl-the-hedgehog Ah. I don't have much good advice on that front and I don't want to give you something trite, so all I can really say is I'm sorry again.


@Persephone_Strange Its fine just kinda stings that people who I used to consider best friends have cut me off especially when they were the reason a lot of my stuff is on this profile. And I'm used to going from talking every day to no contact at this point


Okay I highly doubt anyone one on here can do this but yeah :D


@Persephone_Strange it's is more of a cameo of your character. Though they have to be non human (preferably alien)


@pearl-the-hedgehog awHHHH if I had any OCs that didn't already belong to a story I so would that sounds so coooooool :[


Guys I was playing dnd and my DM made some characters for a town. And idk about you guys but I have a really obscure name and guess what.. one of the characters was named my name..  go make it weirder? It's a important character! My dm dosent know my name! 
          But it's fine i changed it to the spelling of the misprounciation because they were calling it the wrong thing anyway. Still really funny