
Okay this new update is cool but also not cool? I kinda miss the old Wattpad


aaa hello pinkbubs- er mutuals on watty ,, i accidentally got locked out of my own account and forgot my password.. soo @ pearlmilkut is the new account !! you arent obligated to follow this one,, but just a heads up <33


          ~You know that boy you pushed over earlier? He committed suicide last night. The girl you called fat? She's starting herself. The boy you teased for crying? His mom died. The man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. The man you stole the little leather pouch from? He was homeless. And everyone else you've been mean to? You either hurt them really bad or ruined their life. Post this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, then shame on you. If you are that 1% with time and heart, show it~