
Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well :)
          	I just came to say that I’m very sorry for taking so long to update Forever, I currently have a lot of school work and can’t find the time to write (that and that I’m in a little bit of a writer’s block rn </3). I hope I can do it as soon as possible! Take good care of yourself <3
          	(feel free to vent here about your week if you want :])


Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well :)
          I just came to say that I’m very sorry for taking so long to update Forever, I currently have a lot of school work and can’t find the time to write (that and that I’m in a little bit of a writer’s block rn </3). I hope I can do it as soon as possible! Take good care of yourself <3
          (feel free to vent here about your week if you want :])