
if you ever need 2 talk to someone about your sexuality or gender identity i am here for you ALWAYS. my twitter is pugsandrec, stay safe ❤️


@hayleyaarhoven sometimes it takes a bit to discover who you are and even after that people still dont know. its okay to be unsure but please dont feel like you have to find a label to your sexuality,  sometimes we just cant really describe it 


i would, but i dont even know what sexuality i identify with, so that makes things a little difficult 


if you ever need 2 talk to someone about your sexuality or gender identity i am here for you ALWAYS. my twitter is pugsandrec, stay safe ❤️


@hayleyaarhoven sometimes it takes a bit to discover who you are and even after that people still dont know. its okay to be unsure but please dont feel like you have to find a label to your sexuality,  sometimes we just cant really describe it 


i would, but i dont even know what sexuality i identify with, so that makes things a little difficult 


Narrator: Ah, Jellyfish Fields. Here we find SpongeBob once again stalking the wild jellyfish. SpongeBob? Hello? SpongeBob? Hmmm... he's supposed to be here somewhere... [narrator sees a square-shaped coral] A-ha! [Jellyfish floats by. SpongeBob puts his glasses on]
          SpongeBob: Safety first. [SpongeBob captures a jellyfish] A-ha! I finally gotcha! [SpongeBob grabs a wooden stool and sits on it. Puts on a farmer hat and 'milks' the jellyfish. Jelly comes out and squirts on a piece of bread. The jellyfish moos like a cow. He eats.] Ah, there is nothing better than the taste of natural jelly from a jellyfish. See you later! [walks off but jellyfish floats towards him with his glasses] Oh, oh my glasses! Thanks little guy! Bye! [the jellyfish floats with SpongeBob] I can't play anymore, jellyfish. I got to get home. [jellyfish hangs onto SpongeBob's nose] No. You can't go home with me. [jellyfish walks behind him. The jellyfish's steps are squeaking, like SpongeBob's] Jellyfish, you've got to stay here! Hey! [puts the jellyfish on a rock] Stay! [walks backwards] Stay... [jellyfish floats around SpongeBob. SpongeBob grabs the jellyfish and uses a slingshot to launch him somewhere else but the jellyfish ends up on his back. The jellyfish giggles. SpongeBob pulls the jellyfish off] [exasperated] Jellyfish! For the last time, you cannot come home with me! [SpongeBob looks at the jellyfish sternly. 


Ahh, what the heck! [SpongeBob, with the jellyfish on a rope, like a dog, walk by Squidward's house] Squidward! Hey, Squidward! Squidward! Squidwardiard! [Squidward peeks out his window] Squidward! Look at my new pet!
            Squidward: That's no pet, that's a wild animal.
            SpongeBob: No he isn't! Watch this! [throws a stick so the jellyfish returns it. SpongeBob is holding up three fingers] How many fingers am I holding up? [the jellyfish hums deeply three times] Play dead! [jellyfish is buried underground with a tomb that says "R.I.P.". He pops up]
            Squidward: I wouldn't let that thing into my house even if it was potty-trained! [the jellyfish, still on the rope, is on a toilet reading a newspaper as he hums casually ] I didn't need to see that.
            SpongeBob: Well, we're going to my house to have a little fun.
            Squidward: How can you possibly have fun with a jellyfish? 

