
Hi there,
          	It’s been a while.
          	I just.. I don't even know why I write so little. I love doing it, really. It's great! Putting my imagination into words to read whenever I want.
          	The last few months have been busy, maybe even a bit hectic.
          	Someone close to my family passed away, I had my finals, I had to find a study I want to follow (which is so hard if you've no idea what to do) and now I've graduated.
          	Next (school)year I'll be studying communication, something I never thought I'd do. But I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and that's a good thing... I hope.
          	I'm scared, nervous and somehow still a bit excited. It's a new start, new people and hopefully new friends.
          	That's just a bit of what's been going on in my life lately and I apologise for not writing/updating.
          	I'll try to write again, but I'm not sure if I'll upload it. It's been so long and I want and need to get into it again, especially because I'll follow classes of creative writing next year.
          	All the love,


          	  Yessss,, I'm damn lucky cuz I've gotten to know u better and know each other for two yearsssss


@SpeechlessJinn thank you An! x Haha yes we've been talking for such a long time now!


          	  Awwww liiii,, good luck !!!! I'm so proud of u !! <33 and Oh My God I never thought you'd study communications as wellllll goshh.. Remember two years ago when we were discussing what u will study and how it will work out?? We were cute and innocent back then hahaha ,, but I'm really glad I had the chance to meat a great friend like u <3 you've always tried ur best being there for me and I appreciate that <3 ur one of a kind Li ~


Hi there,
          It’s been a while.
          I just.. I don't even know why I write so little. I love doing it, really. It's great! Putting my imagination into words to read whenever I want.
          The last few months have been busy, maybe even a bit hectic.
          Someone close to my family passed away, I had my finals, I had to find a study I want to follow (which is so hard if you've no idea what to do) and now I've graduated.
          Next (school)year I'll be studying communication, something I never thought I'd do. But I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and that's a good thing... I hope.
          I'm scared, nervous and somehow still a bit excited. It's a new start, new people and hopefully new friends.
          That's just a bit of what's been going on in my life lately and I apologise for not writing/updating.
          I'll try to write again, but I'm not sure if I'll upload it. It's been so long and I want and need to get into it again, especially because I'll follow classes of creative writing next year.
          All the love,


            Yessss,, I'm damn lucky cuz I've gotten to know u better and know each other for two yearsssss


@SpeechlessJinn thank you An! x Haha yes we've been talking for such a long time now!


            Awwww liiii,, good luck !!!! I'm so proud of u !! <33 and Oh My God I never thought you'd study communications as wellllll goshh.. Remember two years ago when we were discussing what u will study and how it will work out?? We were cute and innocent back then hahaha ,, but I'm really glad I had the chance to meat a great friend like u <3 you've always tried ur best being there for me and I appreciate that <3 ur one of a kind Li ~