
@trishatrench @trishatrench it'd be my old books.  Like  Testing, Testing, you and i might just be the best thing 
          	See You Around 
          	Time Flies 


How would you guys feel if i deleted some books?


I don't know, most likely a little upset of disappointed because I love all your books and plan on reading them again.




As you guys know, Candy has left this account, but she said she will be making her own account and when she does i will post her account name. I am excited to watch her grow as an author on her new account, but she will be missed here. The reasons why she left are still unknown to me at the moment. You can contact candy at earthtocandy on twitter and tumblr. -douchey fukc


Hi guys, it's Candy. You probably don't know me because I don't post as much as Miranda. I've posted about three to four stories but I deleted 2 of them because I'm not really as positive with my writing like Miranda. I never update anymore and all my stories are pretty bad, so, I have made a major decision of letting go of this account and passing it onto Miranda. I know Miranda has own little fanbase and stuff and she has a lot of fans and I'm just going to pass this account to her. She's made a lot of stories and I'm proud of her for reaching such a major milestone in her life. But, this is her account now and I might start my own. I hope you're happy with this, I know you're gonna be because I wasn't a big part of this account anyways and my stories were annoying and none of you read it. I'll be visiting sometimes and when I make my new account, I'll be sure to tell you guys. If you want to contact me and ask questions of why I seperated with this account, I have a tumblr (earthtocandy) and a twitter which is the same thing (earthtocandy). I'm pretty upset, and if you ask me personally I will probably tell you. Miranda and I are good friends and there is nothing bad going on between us. I just wanted to seperate from this account because of the fans and stuff. I'm not saying the fans are bad, really, you guys are great. But, I had good reviews and shit but I wanted to go on without people thinking I was Miranda.i love you all, thank you and goodnight.