
@Kitsu-chan Hi! Aww, thanks so much, that really means a lot to me! <3 I'm so glad you enjoy them, it's really nice to know there are people out there who like my writing! Breath Failure was my most experimental piece, I'm happy you liked it! <3 


Hi! Um, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy all of your stories very much! They are really unique and amazing and written very well. Thank you for writing them! I'm your number one fan! My favorite is Breath Failure, by the way. =)


@plushiesexual (I tried to reply to this like,5 hours ago, but it wouldn't let me -__-)
          Shush, you. I can curse like a sailor all I want. IT'S THE ~INTERNET~. Filters need to cool their virtual tits.
 Not yaoi as such. I skip all the sex in fan fics .__. No matter what fic it is, I will skip it, so no way I'm gonna write it (SHUSH, OKAY, YOU WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW- BESIDES, IT'S NOT LIKE ANYTHING REALLY DIRTY'S GONNA HAPPEN >____>) Even though you're not an MCR fan, you should try reading Unholyverse. Because it's just amazing. Like, not even the Gerard/Frank stuff, it's just...asdkjhsadkjhad all kinds of AWESOME and it's a fic and it has a fucking fanbase okay, a fan fic has FANS, IT'S AMAZING.
          DAT'S BECUS WE B FANTARDS 2GETHR (forgive me, it's 1:24 AM here). Lol, no, like 2 people talk to me outside of tumblr, and since I'm in all the MCR madness, it's most fan bitching that happens xD
          oh, in case you haven't heard, I'm not even in the country anymore :D FUN FACT OF THE DAY~


@cliffroseacetone Nope, don't worry, it was sent! xD (Apparently "under review", tho, bad gurl~ xD) 
          Hey maybe Claire knows you like yaoi now too! 8D (Btw you write Gerard/Frank? xD Hypocrite! You can't make fun of me for liking yaoi anymore~! 8D [you closeted fujoshi you<3]) WELLLL---xD But only because I'm not an MCR fan~ some of the stuff you post is actually pretty funny! <3 I'm jelly your followers actually talk to you too~~~! O_O