
CB + Specify 


/ Headcanon; I like to think the real reason he hasn’t moved on…passed on to heaven if you will
          Isn’t because he hasn’t found what will help be able to move on and leave the place he died from
          I think the real reason is just because he’s simply too scared to. He’s scared of the light. He’s scared of leaving his ghost friends he’s made while being stuck there
          He doesn’t wish to face his beloved Isabelle or possibly his own cousin; Francis now that he knows how he actually died
          He still loves isabelle and can’t get over it after all these years. It’s hard for him


“Do you think if I’d die I’d end up wherever you are?”


            She sighs, “my luck would… be that.”


; @-alleyesonme
            “I don’t know. It depends. You can choose if you’d like to go or stay. Only reason I stayed was because well-..I’m not sure. Perhaps I haven’t found the thing that will help me pass on. I thought perhaps finding out the real reason I died would help, but yet I’m still stuck here.” { he shrugged as he explained.} “I suppose it depends on where you die, you could end up only staying in that place you died.”


/ I need to stop having ideas…I’m half tempted to make a James Wilson or gregory house anon despite not having watched house md in like a while 
          I’m tempted nevertheless I miss the sarcastic silly men <3


/ I did it. Lmao


/ tempted for James Wilson though. Love him 


/ I have no idea which one to make tbh. I love both


this message may be offensive
/ I made an agent of shield/mcu oc guys….
          She probably makes no sense because I’m shit at explaining things but this is the result of what happens when I’m bored and I make things randomly with no thought process behind it :’) I tried
          Anyways here she is ~~>> @deathsmcsk


“I think I need a hobby…” she mumbled from where she was laying on the couch, unsure of where exactly in the room the ghost was, but not bothering to look up to see 


            “Well, I used to play basketball but my ex-fiancé plays where I used to go, I don’t think painting or drawing would be helpful…”


; @-alleyesonme
            “Well for example, I write poetry. Some people taking of drawing or painting…some simply go out and uh-..oh what was it. Do some sort of sports or whatever like baseball or golf, I don’t know what it is exactly people do nowadays. But I hope that gave some idea.”


            “See… that’s the problem… I don’t know what other people do in their free time”


"what is your past like if thats okay to ask."


; @UniversalLife_
            “Thank you! It truly can honestly.”


            She nodded and listened. “I do enjoy works of poets. It’s a destresser. And can send power words needed to be heard.”


; @UniversalLife_
            “What is my past like? Well-…I mean it was the regency era, so you can imagine many unfortunate things that we could and could not do compared to modern day today obviously. I was a poet back then, still am of course.”


/ can I also just say the character he plays in a good girls guide to murder? Elliot?
          Was not expecting to be in that show but I love it
          Never read the book unfortunately but I would if I had it. The show however is pretty good 


            / i have the book funny enough , my sister gave it to me .  haven’t read it yet though .