
When its less than a week till my birthday;-; 
          	Gonna be 19 HOWWWW
          	-stay awesome 


@Kaylei22 oh no I feel old now ;-; XD


@polld1 That means you're 4 years older than me -_-


There’s something about the Knuckles series….
          (Spoilers ahead)
          It’s fun! Simple, entertaining fun. Still loving the characterisation of Knuckles and Wade is super underrated. I actually like the humans having such a role in the live franchise!
          However, little disappointed we didn’t get MORE of Knucks. He’s pretty awesome but I wish there was more of him (seeing as it’s his show). Also, felt we didn’t see enough of the main bad guy (whatever his name is lol) so I wasn’t that captivated by it.
          Either way, for a WADE show it’s really good! As a Knuckles show, I’d recommend it to those that have Paramount, but if you don’t I wouldn’t worry TOO much about that. 
          -stay awesome 


@ polld1  Haven’t watched the show and have no clue if I will ever due to not having paramount + but I heard that a lot of fans wished that Knuckles was more in the show as well. Kind of sad, but at the same time it could have been waaay much worse. And Wade isn’t a bad character, more like a funny one, heh. Though the fandom goes crazy for sure– 
            Your point of view about the series is a pretty collective one and I love that you are alright with it! It is simply entertaining, -at least from what I have gathered- like you claimed. No need for madness. Thank you, because I wouldn’t know what to make of the show exactly so your opinion helps me clear a lot of things that I had messed up ;)) no doubt. 
            Maybe we will know more about the bad guy in the next movie? 
            Preparing for the Sonic Movie 3 immediately, mwahaha! 


Heard wattpads taking down PMs.
          I’m honestly pretty indifferent on this, like I get both sides completely. Ppl have friends they talk to on here etc, but with all the drama etc lately I truly understand why Wattpad wants to do this. 
          (Not that I use DMs much lol)
          Your thoughts?
          -stay awesome 


@Blue_Hybrid_ lol that’s very true 


@polld1 in one way, it would be sad to see it go, but then I get so many bots and spam messages it’s insane


I wrote a one shot of Sonic Prime recently, following the events of the series. 
          It’s a tester really to see if you guys would be interested in a full book of it. Perhaps less chapters than my usual stories, but more than a one shot hehe. 
          Comment below if you’d be interested!
          (And yes, it most likely will be Sonadow)
          -stay awesome 


Unexpectedly, my one shots book has been updated!!
          It follows the ending of Sonic Prime in which Sonic seeks out Shadow to thank him for his help. The pair also discover the Paradox Prism might have another adventure in store for them…. 
          -stay awesome 


STH: TGW Chapter fifty one: The World Turned Upside Down is out now! Be sure to check it out!
          Shadow and Sonic team up to shut down The Eclipse Nuke before the Freedom Fighters face off the Robotnik Empire one last time. Everything will rely on the battle against Robotropolis.
          Three chapters to go! The final fight is almost here! 
          -stay awesome 


Guys, when STH: TGW is complete I’m going to go back through the story and tweak little moments between characters- just to enrich some of their interactions. 
          The main plot and important events won’t be changed, so don’t worry! It’s just so everything is up to my standard lol.
          -stay awesome