
I SWEAR IM STILL ALIVE!! Wishing everyone had or has an amazing day <3
          	Let me know if there's any fanfics yall want, I've got my notebook out ready to write!


YALL !! i got my first dose of the vaccine and I’m like REALLY sick so I won’t be working on the dt chapter and posting it till next weekend cause i fr need to rest, hope y’all understand!! Remember your important <3


y’all, what if i but my ass today and finish my fan fic? i have about 6 or 7 chapters ready to upload and i only need to write about 7 or 8 chapters today if wanna finish it! if i finish it il upload it in all one day, should i do it??!


breakdown Thursday, i think yes


@ponysgel i know how you feel


Hope your doing well