
this message may be offensive
          	BRO PLEASE IM HAVING AN EVENT I DONT WANNA HAVE TO CANCEL IT BRUH ITS MY FIRST ONE :C https://discord.gg/2BCKB8mS?event=1231378437546180678


this message may be offensive
          !PLEASE READ!
          ~ I deeply apologize for not being as active as usual. My teacher has assigned me a lot of work and assignments, which has been keeping me busy. I want you to know that I won't be able to post as frequently as before. 
          I know that I have been absent, and I understand if some of you may feel let down by my lack of presence. However, please know that I am doing my best to keep up with my studies while also trying to stay connected with you all.
          If you have any words of motivation or encouragement, I would greatly appreciate it. Sometimes, it can be challenging to stay motivated when things get overwhelming, and I'm feeling so fucking desperate right now.
          I hope you all understand my situation, and I promise to do my best to update my books whenever I can. Thank you for being patient with me during this time. (used Grammarly)