
Did anyone see the new Napoleon movie?? If so what did you think because I thought it was Hella weird...


Guys I am so unmotivated to write right now, you have no idea. But I’m not going to have like any time this week so here we are I guess. Also I have only an hour left and I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really know where this is going…


just watch the little mermaid remake for the first time
          first off, they done cast Eric RIGHT! that man is fine as hell
          secondly I liked it but probably wouldn't watch again
          they could have done more with it
          the script was a little rough
          also they didn't use music to their advantage enough, some parts were just silent and some dramatic parts didn't have enough music
          also the acting could have been better, like seriously, give me more emotion! I want passion!


Don't forget about my new book! George Weasley love story - a modern girl is transported into a whole new world where she finds some unexpected love and friendships - will she even want to go back? - will she even have a choice on whether she stays?