
Posted all of first year for my HP fic! Pls give it a read if you have time 


Hi, a new reader here! I was reading your story “Gold” and was wondering when you were going to post the next chapter? It’s super good and I’d love to see how their relationship changes throughout the rest of the seasons! Let me know!


You take care of yourself thanks for the new chapters!!


@JBelli Hi! Thank you so much for reading my story and your support! It really means a lot and motivates me to write! I will probably write the next chapter this weekend. Sorry for not updating that story more, I've been busy with school and such, but I will definitely continue writing as I love season three the most! 


Your book Gold is so good. Are you going to continue it? 


@Daydayrocks thank you so much! And yes I will be continuing it soon! I was just taking a minor break but I will be writing season 2



Hi! I just saw this now but I am going to check it out right away!!


Hola<3 {Perdona el spam}
          Me gustaría que leyeras mi libro, es sobre TUA, HP (Es mi primer libro y acabo de publicarlo)
          Llevo meses preparando este libro y me gustaría que lo leyeras ya que no esta teniendo mucho apoyo :(
          Tengo muchas ideas y estoy muy emocionada ya que al fin lo publique pero jamas pensé que seria tan difícil que la gente lo lea, vote o comente, soy nueva en esto de escribir pero estoy echándole muchas ganas, espero que te des una vuelta
          Por el momento solo tiene dos partes ya que lo publique hace 3 días {La parte que publiqué son los personajes y el prologo (el prologo contiene un avance, es mas bien un capitulo), aquí te dejo el link⇩}