
julez are you ok??


Happy birthday Harry!! I just want to say that you have brought me so so so much happiness and  you deserve everything that comes your way. Fine Line and HS1 are absolutely beautiful albums, and i can NOT wait until you drop another one that will be just as good if not even better than those two. But thank you so much for everything, especially making the song Fine Line because it is truly beautiful. It’s an honor saying that i’m apart of this fandom, not because of any drama or anything like that, but because of the whole genuine reason we are here . . . because of you. You make crowds scream, dance, cry, and genuinely happy. If you told me two years ago that i would be here,I wouldn’t have believed you, but you have changed my life for the better and I would like to say thank you for everything, and I hope 28 treats you very, very well. 
          Lots and Lots of Love