
Assalamualaikum . First and foremost , i'm so sorry because it have been a long time I didn't continue my story . I know how it feels when you read a story without the end hehehe . So , I just wanna inform you guys that I'll continue my writing after I finish my studies at Matriculation College (where is it ? I won't tell you huahua) . I got another ±2 months here . InsyaAllah will finish my study on the first week of May and sure will continue my writing ! Wait for me hewhew . Would like to ask you guys pray for my final exam hihihi . Thanks , may Allah bless you ;)


Assalamualaikum . First and foremost , i'm so sorry because it have been a long time I didn't continue my story . I know how it feels when you read a story without the end hehehe . So , I just wanna inform you guys that I'll continue my writing after I finish my studies at Matriculation College (where is it ? I won't tell you huahua) . I got another ±2 months here . InsyaAllah will finish my study on the first week of May and sure will continue my writing ! Wait for me hewhew . Would like to ask you guys pray for my final exam hihihi . Thanks , may Allah bless you ;)


Dia Yang Kau Pilih
          Pada asalnya , aku nak tulis cerita ini berdasarkan pengalaman aku . Cukup dengan melihat tajuk , memang banyak yang aku boleh ceritakan berkaitan diri aku . Tapi setelah beberapa kali berfikir , aku mengambil keputusan untuk tidak menulis cerita mengenai hal peribadi aku atas alasan aku tak nak mengungkit cerita lama . Kadang-kadang luka lama boleh berdarah kembali tau! Hehehe . So , let's just focus on our future . Jangan toleh belakang lagi! (Kalau awak toleh nanti awak sakit saya tak tanggung ye :P ) hehehe . So , this story memang takde kaitan dengan ssiapa . Memang rekaan , khayalan , imaginasi yang melalut dari fikiran aku hahaha . Sorry k if hambar ;)


Kerana Sekali Cinta
          Serious cerita ni best sgt . Waktu part mula2 Tia kenal Iskandar tu awww hehehe . Tp gempak la bila dia bertemu dengan org yg kehilangan someone sama mcm dia jugak . Iskandar khilangan Ayu and Tia pulak khilangan Aiman . Yg pasti dua2 tengah terluka . Tp bila Tia jumpa balik Aiman , fuhhh tktahu la nk ckp apa . Mesti Tia terkejut gila . Waktu dia baru nk dpt bahagia ttiba pulak Aiman 'hidup semula' hehehe . But cerita ni tk abes selengkapnya lagi . Tak sabar nk tahu ending dia ! 


Living with The Bad Boy
          I was reading this story . To be honest , it such an interesting story  Blake Parker , I can see the similarities of his character with Peter Kavinsky in the novel To All The Boys I've Loved Before . His attitude somehow attracted me . Bronte's character also quiet same with Lara Jean . But it's okay I will keep reading it until the end of story .